Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) curriculum is being used at all levels. ACE resources complement and enhance the New Zealand curriculum. Christian moral standards and truths are integrated throughout all subjects.
Children are assessed and graded on the basis of their achievement level in each major subject, rather than on their age. This means less able students are not so likely to develop low self-esteem and more able students can be more fully extended.
The educational philosophy of ACE is that children read rather than listen to gain knowledge, and that the “teacher” supervises that learning. Because the system is self-instructional, the supervisors can focus their attention on individual children and the specific areas where assistance is needed.

ACE has an excellent program for teaching young children to read; “Reading Readiness” and ABC’s which use a phonetic approach to the alphabet.
Once children are able to read, they are presented in each subject with a series of instructional workbooks (PACE’s). The concepts and knowledge in each PACE build upon each other. Each PACE is mastered before a student moves up to the next one, thus eliminating gaps in learning.
Senior students, upon completion of a subject, receive credits, which when enough have accrued, qualify them for an ACE Certificate. Students from Year 7 to Year 10 are also extended in the afternoon into many areas to develop the gifts God has given them. They participate in National Student Convention and have a choice of participating in South Pacific Convention and International Convention competing against other A.C.E students around the world in a wide variety of disciplines in Academics, Athletics, Visual Arts, Manual Arts, Performance Arts, Media Arts, Music – vocal and instrumental.

More about the Accelerated Christian Education Program
The Accelerated Christian Education program is a total package, self-instructional curriculum covering all grade levels and core subjects from Kindergarten through to Year 13. For over 40 years the A.C.E. curriculum has been successfully used by thousands of students in NZ. It is now used in thousands of Christian schools in over 140 countries as well as being used by thousands of home schooling families.
Each subject is presented in a series of self-instructional workbooks, called PACEs, progressively graduated so that new concepts and truths build upon previously mastered ones. An 80% pass mark is required in each PACE before a student is permitted to proceed to the next PACE. Twelve PACEs represent one year’s work in each subject.
​ Christian World View
All educational curriculum in its content and prescribed methodology presents a particular philosophical position or world view. Public education presents a secular or humanistic world view. The philosophy behind the A.C.E. curriculum is built on basic Biblical principles so that students are taught to see life from God’s point of view as they study the standard subjects of English, Science, Social Studies etc. Biblical values and concepts considered foundational to successful living are conveyed throughout the curriculum in such a way as to become life-shaping influences. A.C.E. is nondenominational.
Built on Five Basic Laws of Learning
The following five principals under gird the A.C.E system of learning:
Students must be placed at the academic level in each subject where they can perform.
Reasonable goals must be set each school day.
Students must be controlled and motivated.
Learning must be measurable.
Learning must be rewarded.
Meets Individual Needs
One of the main principles of the A.C.E. curriculum is that students work at their own achievement level and this can differ from subject to subject. On completing diagnostic tests to determine learning gaps and achievement levels, each student is given an individual academic prescription that will meet his individual needs ensuring that he works at his own achievement level. The nature of the curriculum also allows students to work at their own pace according to their own ability. It is able to meet the individual needs of each student.
Mastery Based Learning
Advancement through the A.C.E. programme is attained only through learning. Only when a student has sufficiently mastered the contents of a PACE can he advance to the next PACE in the full scope and sequence curriculum.
There are various procedures built into the A.C.E. programme. These procedures when properly utilised can produce the following results:
Daily goal setting
Students taking responsibility for their own
learning -
A high standard of quality control
Mastery of concepts
Continual and consistent assessment of
student’s learning -
Academic excellence
Good work habits
Initially the student learns to read using our phonics based programme. Then they read to learn. The student is responsible for setting goals and completing them. The Supervisor (Teacher) is there to clarify and assist the student as needed as well as encourage, motivate and discipline according to procedures if required. Work not completed goes home as homework and parents are expected to supervise their children to complete their work.
Character Development
One of the features of the A.C.E. curriculum is that it incorporates character building and wisdom principles. Christian truths and Biblical principles are integrated through all subjects. Each PACE promotes one of sixty character traits identifiable in the life of Christ and these are reinforced by a Scripture passage.

Secondary Qualification
A.C.E. offers several of its own secondary qualifications based on various credit requirements. The two highest of these have been assessed by the NZ Vice Chancellors’ Committee and are eligible to be considered for admission ‘ad eundem statum’ (at the same status) as NCEA Level 3, university entrance level by a NZ university. A student must complete 12 PACEs per subject commencing at PACE level 1085 to gain 2 credits towards an A.C.E. Certificate.
NZ ACE Level 3 Certificates Approved as University Entrance
A letter from the Chair of the New Zealand Vice-chancellor’s Committee’s Subcommittee on Entrance states:
This is to certify that the New Zealand Accelerated Education (ACE) Level 3 Certificates are accepted by the New Zealand universities for admission ad eundem statum at entrance level”
Students with an ACE Level 3 Certificate must have at least 4 credits in level 3 subjects including at least 3 subjects from 3 different subject domains.
Students who achieve a High School Advanced Certificate or a Certificate of Achievement with 10 credits at Level 3 and with a minimum average of 93% in those 5 subjects will be awarded this certificate with honours. The A.C.E. Academic council of New Zealand considers this to be at least at an A Bursary level.
Many students have also gained entrance into a number of overseas institutes of higher learning.
The following is a list of the A.C.E. Certificates available in New Zealand:
NZ Record of Attainment (minimum 10 credits) PACE 37+
NZ Certificate of Achievement Level (minimum 8 credits) PACE 85+
NZ Certificate of Achievement Level 1 (12 credits) PACE 85+
NZ Certificate of Achievement Level 2 (12 credits) PACE 97+
NZ Certificate of Achievement Level 3 (16 credits) PACE 97+
NZ High School Certificate Level 1 (30 credits) PACE 85-1108
NZ High School Certificate Level 2 (30 credits) PACE 85-1120
NZ High School Advanced Certificate Level 3 (48 Credits) PACE 85-1120
Level 3 Certificates can be awarded with honours.
There are printed guidelines for each of these certificates.