2023 school terms and
Term 1
Monday 20th Staff Meeting - Teachers Meeting/Planning
Tuesday 21st Staff and Helpers Meeting - Readers,,Monitors/Volunteers/Helpers Diagnostics
Wednesday 22nd Upstairs/ Main Building chuck out/ clean up and set up.
Thursday 23rd January Concrete laid for driveway/ End room sorting and chuck out
Friday 24th January - Carpet laid in Junior Afternoon Room/ Teacher Planning Day
Saturday 25th January - Clearing and Sorting End classroom into Junior Afternoon Room
Saturday 25th January - Setting Up Junior Room (and Junior Library if shelves are in).
Sunday 26th January - Day of Rest
Monday 27th January - Northland Anniversary Day
Tuesday 28th January -School Starts/New Entrant Intake
Thursday 6th February - Waitangi Day
Friday 28th March - Athletics Day
Thursday 10th April - Tentative Date for Honour Roll
Friday 11th April - End of Term/ End of Term Clean Up
Friday 18th April - Good Friday
Monday 21st April - Easter Monday
Friday 25th April - Anzac Day
Term 2
Friday, 28th April: School begins
Monday 6th May Junior Youth (Years 6-8) Global Leadership Conference World Vision
Monday 3rd June Student Convention Registration, Invoicing and Payments due.
1st - 16th June, Student Convention Online Submissions due.
Friday, 27 June - Term 2 ends.
Term 3
Monday, 14 July: School begins.
Friday 2nd August all work to be uploaded for Student Convention including Early Entry Submissions. All C
Friday 9th August Registration closes for Student Convention/Early Entry Submissions Final Day/Visitors Registration Final Day
Monday 1st September to Friday 5th September Student Convention Week
Tuesday 2nd September Student Convention ATHLETICS DAY -9:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Bring Your Goofy Hat!
​Term 4
Monday 6th October - School Starts
Friday 18th October - Pet Day start 8.45 a.m.
Friday 1st November - Cross Country 8.45 a.m. start.
Friday 12th December - School Finishes