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The school has a number of rules about what can be brought to or worn to school. This is to keep our uniform tidy and to prevent competition and distraction amongst students.  Following school rules is an opportunity to learn to obey and build character. Whatever we do later in life, it is governed by rules which we must learn to follow or face the consequences.

Please help to keep up our school’s standards by supporting our rules.


Non-Uniform Clothing

Increasingly students are wearing non-uniform items to school. Non-uniform clothing worn at school may be confiscated for the rest of the term, and children may be sent home.



Students hair must be clean and tidy at all times with no extremes of fashion acceptable, e.g. Mohawks, dreadlocks, corn rows, rat’s tails, man buns, unnatural coloured hair, shaved sections etc. Long hair must be tied back away from the face. All hair ties must be school colours.

The way students present themselves must be of a business office setting.


Electronic devices

Any student bringing a cell phone or Ipad to school must give it to Mr Bell to lock in the drawer until after school. Students found playing on devices during school will have them confiscated.


Make Up, Nail Polish and Jewellery

No makeup or fingernail polish is to be worn to school. Students wearing makeup will have to wash it off with soap and water. Students needing to use the schools nail polish remover will be charged a dollar towards replacing it. The only Jewelry allowed at school are small gold or silver ear studs that can have a stone of the school colours (red, white and navy blue) or a necklace with a small cross. Incorrect Jewelry will be confiscated.


Please click here for information on uniforms. For more information, or to order, please contact the school office.

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